Razgovor sa suradnikom:Pomarancza (PL)
Dodaj temuDobro došli na Wjêčnik, hrvatski wikirječnik!
Kako biste se upoznali s projektom, posjetite stranice:
- Wječnik – što je uopće Wječnik, kako funkcionira?
- Pomoć – za početnike (uvodni tečaj i predlošci za oblikovanje članaka)
- Igralište – za vježbanje i isprobavanje
- Konoba – za pitanja, prijedloge i komentare
Potpisujte se s 4 tilde (~~~~)
Još jednom, dobro došli! --Mirko Leško 11:00, 13. veljače 2007. (UTC)
[uredi]Prijedlog (poljske riječi):
gotować (kuhati), pracować (raditi), praca (rad, posao), wiadomości (vijesti), modlitwa (molitva), spotykać (susresti), tylko (samo), pogoda (vrijeme), świat (svijet), wieža (kula), taniec (ples), gwiazda (zvijezda) ;-)
I don't know if you need Croatian translation, I guess you don't,but I had to show off a bit. :-)F.G. 08:20, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Pozdrav Pomarancza (PL)!
[uredi]kao što si rekao da je uredu, obraćam ti se na hrvatskom jeziku, ti se meni slobodno obrati na engleskom. Prvo ti također želim dobrodošlicu na Wječnik. Ako ti nije problem, mogao bi nam (zbog prilično dobrog poznavanja hrvatskog jezika) pomoći u prijevodu na poljskom jeziku. Bilo bi zbodno kada bi mogao napraviti i rječnik poljskih izraza s prijevodima na hrvatski; na taj način ćeš unaprijediti i znanje stranog jezika :-) pozdrav! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 22:15, 15. veljače 2007. (UTC)
- Hvala puno :-)) Vidim da je vaš projekt Wikisłownika odlično razvijen, i također mi se sviđa ime :)) Jako mi je drago da si nam se pridružio i da imaš volje nadopuniti poljsko-hrvatski rječnik. Ako ti ikako bude trebalo pomoći s prijevodima na Hrvatski ili sa hrvatskog (bilo ovdje ili na Wikisłowniku) slobodno pitaj :-) Lijep pozdrav! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 11:23, 17. veljače 2007. (UTC)
Pozdrav! :) Prije svega upitao bih te da li ti je lakše ako ti se obraćam na engleskom (?) jer meni je potpuno svejedno :) I još jedna sitnica (koju sam ovdje ispravio). Dakle, bar sam tako shvatio, da se kod objašnjenja poveznice ne stavljaju na svaku riječ već samo na one kojima značenje ima veze s kontekstom članka. Npr. kod članka banana u etimologiji stoji npr: Banana je popularno južnjačko voće koje se koristi... poveznica će biti samo na voće. Vidio sam da je i kod drugih Wiki rječnika takav ili sličan princip; ali ako se ne slažeš slobodno iznesi svoj stav ;) A sada da odgovorim na tvoja pitanja:
- Slobodno zadnja tri padeža piši kao i u Poljskom; zapravo mislim da bi se i trebalo
- Italics je bolje; naglašava da se radi o primjeru
I članci su ti odlični! :) Samo naprijed, ako imaš još pitanja - slobodno ;-) Lijep pozdrav! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 17:00, 19. veljače 2007. (UTC)
Prije svega znaj da doista jesam uživao u tvojoj poruci na hrvatskom; oprosti što si se namučio zbog mene, slobodno mi piši na engleskom ubuduće ;) I doista mi je drago što sam dobio novog suradnika, a naročito to što si drugog jezika te ćeš pridonositi na hrvatskom wiki-rječniku na svom jeziku. Vidiš i sám kako je ovo malen projekt i da zapravo jako malo suradnika uopće doprinosi. Ja sam jedini aktivni administrator, ali veći dio svog boravka na wiki-projektima uglavnom provodim na wikipediji... Svejedno, pokušavam pokrenuti Wječnik. Kao i wikipedija, wječnik će jednoga dana biti samostalan projekt, a nadam se da ću ga i osposobiti da to postane :)
Pokušati ću pogledati sve tvoje članke (možda i naučiti ponešto Poljskog :) ali vidim da si se jako dobro snašao s jezikom pa te neću previše gnjaviti :)) Nadam se da ćemo se jednog dana sresti i, kao što kažeš, u ime vječnog prijateljstva naših dviju nacija popiti koju butelju šampanjca! ;-)) Drago mi je da sam te nešto i naučio: Lijep pozdrav! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 18:08, 20. veljače 2007. (UTC)
- No way!!! Hajde, hajde, vidim da ti ide :-)) --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 18:43, 20. veljače 2007. (UTC)
Hvala ti za ovo ;-)) Doista ti dobro idu članci; zasad nisam našao ni jednu grešku, pozdrav! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 08:10, 21. veljače 2007. (UTC)
You're wellcome ;) But I'm the one that should be thanking you for joining this (non active) project and having the will to help me develop it, so thank you for all your help and enthusiasm, :) Now to anwser your questions:
- If it's not a problem for you, you could write sth. about it or at least create a template that says: Ova imenica nema množinu, or something like that :)) If you think it's useless then don't bother, just skip it :)
- Of course you can create such a section and until I find a better expression, lets call it "izrazi" :)) There's no expression in Croatian such as Collocation that I've found, which is a bit strange... I'm pretty sure that there has to be one, your idea is very good, I like "izrazi" :-))
So, I hope I've helped you (at least a bit : ) Good luck in your future articles, Pozdrawiam po polsku! :))--Luka Krstulović | razgovor 18:56, 22. veljače 2007. (UTC)
- This is fascinating, you've actually made me write in English sub-conciously... sorry, I didn't realise :)) --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 19:01, 22. veljače 2007. (UTC)
Excellent observation, yes it should be, I've changed it. Sorry, I must of been in a rush when I was writing cases, sorry...;( and thank you. I still haven't answered your first message:
- Ok, I am writing in English and when you write me in Croatian I'll write you back in the same way, deal :)
- Croatian is hard, I suppose... I can't really say 'cause I never learned Croatian; you can't judge the difficulty of your mother tongue, can you? ;)
Thank you for having the will to write so much headwords; I hope we really meet some day, maybe on a wikipedia (or wiktionary) meeting; who knows? Thanks once again and If you see such a mistake again, do warn me; or if you're sure you're right, correct it yourself. Pozdrawiam po polsku, --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 21:40, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)
Don't be
[uredi]everyone makes mistakes. And if anyone should be ashamed it is me, 'cause you were the one to correct me with my foolish mistake. Your articles are excellent; and if I didn't know I would of thought a Croatian wrote them. Pozdrav! :) --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 22:55, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)
- Yes we will!!! :) I'm going to bed now, good night! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 23:22, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)
[uredi]Samo ti želim čestitati na tvojim nevjerojatnim doprinosima. Potruditi ću se da svoj jezik malo proširim i na vašem Wikisłowniku (uz malo tvoje pomoći, dakako :-) Svaka ti čast i samo naprijed, jer ovo je već pravi Poljsko-Hrvatski rječnik! Lijep pozdrav, Luka Krstulović | razgovor 13:29, 3. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- Thank you for the tips you've given me. I'll start writing headwords as soon as I manage to find some time. Thank's for the help offer, I'll feel free to ask you something if I have some problems :-) I hope to work with you soon, bye! --Luka Krstulović | razgovor 13:11, 4. travnja 2007. (UTC)
dzięki :-)
[uredi]Hi Pomarancza! I really appreciate your help, and I hope I'll give your project at least the half of what you gave Wječnik. And I don't just mean the headwords, I mean your support and help in these tough times as we were bringing the project into function. Thank you for all the help and support you gave me in the last five months, you were a real friend. I also thank you for the comment you wrote earlier at Wječnik:Glasovanja, because in that comment you said much more than many could in Croatian, and you said exactly what was needed to be told :-) Also thanks for the explanations, I've studied them and I'll try to use all of them in my future articles. And, by the way, about the šablona translation, maybe you thought: model or pattern? If I'm wrong, correct me. Lijep pozdrav i dzięki! — LukaKrstulović 20:23, 12. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- Yes you have :-) and don't feel embarrassed :)) I hope you'll find a good job in Scotland, and have a nice time there... and tell me about it :-)) When you come back, I promise you you'll find my contributions on Wikisłownik! And I still have a lot of time till May 18, although school's starting on Monday and I'll get a little busy :) But don't worry, I'll still have time to keep my promise. And please let me know when you're leaving, cause I might have some complications in September and I'll be off at the summer so there's a chance I won't hear from you for about 4 or even 5 months :P Well, I hope it won't come to that :) Pozdrav! — LukaKrstulović 09:52, 13. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Thanks in forward for the rest of the šablona :-) And about the pronunciation files, you meant this: IPA: /ˈdrægən/ ? Because I'm not very familiar with the pronunciation symbols... If it's something else, just explain. I'll be glad if I can help Wikisłownik with it. Thanks and bye! — LukaKrstulović 16:15, 15. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- Oooh, that was what you meant! :-) Well, since I've bought a new PC I still don't have a microphone but when I get it, and it should be soon, that will be the first thing I'll do with it. Although, I'm not sure if it's going to sound as perfect as the English pronunciation recording woman's voice, like in the house example :-)) I'll try to do my best :-) Pozdrav!
— LukaKrstulović 13:19, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- About the womans voices, well, I know what you mean :-)) I would probably sound horrible and very non-comprehensible. And, 'bout the picture, that's a bad one :)) I think this is an ok one, at least I'm with persons of the same age :)) Thanks for the compliment, I hope I don't look to old :-) — LukaKrstulović 14:02, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Oh, I'm not sure you know how old I am? And thanks for the second wave of compliments :-) — LukaKrstulović 14:51, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Hhahahahaha... no problem with me, if it's no problem with you, of course, working with kids :-) I think that on wikis age doesn't even make the slightest difference, except that you're more mature and speak better English than I do ;) And, yep, i'll be fifteen in about 3 days :-) — LukaKrstulović 15:18, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Poljske riječi
[uredi]Bog, Pomarańcza! Kao prvo isprika na neznanju dodavanju komentara i hvala na ispravljanju moji grešaka. :) Što se tiče poljskih rijeći mogao bi dodati prijatelj, prijateljica, učitelj, učiteljica... To je samo moj prijedlog. Pozdrav! --F.G. 21:09, 15. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- Pijaca je podrijetlom talijanska riječ (talijanski wječnik), a koristi se u Dalmaciji i hrvatskom primorju. Dakle, je hrvatska riječ, ali nije dio standardnog jezika. :) --F.G. 06:00, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Croatian pronunciation - recording
[uredi]I saw you're interested in recorded Croatian words, so maybe I can give a shot. Any wishes? What word seems hard to pronounce to you? If I would choose Polish word to record it would be książka. Or any other with "ą". Mąż, wąż... I like how it sounds. -- F.G. 15:40, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- OK, I'll record these. Should I e-mail the files to you? Or if I should add files myself I will probably need some help. Anyway, I'll let you know when I record everything (tomorrow, I guess). Cześć! --F.G. 13:43, 17. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Uhm, I'm done. I've tried my best. I've maybe added a bit more accent than usual (like actors do), but it still sounds the way I say it every day. Check it out: pitanje, djevojka, ljubav, smrt, krv, glagol, Božić and anđeo
- You learned it yourself? I'm truly impressed!! Your sentences in Croatian sound really sophisticated. You've done a great job. As for my Polish... There was a young Christians meeting in Zagreb organized by Taize community ([1]), and of course many people from Poland came. Everybody was staying at Croatian families who hosted them, and my family hosted three girls from Poland. ;-) I immediately liked them, and when they left I missed them a lot, so I started learning Polish. I would like to surprise them when I meet them again. I think I'll visit Poland this summer. I'll probably visit Kraków, and Tarnowskie Góry (near Katowice) where my Polish friends live. That's my story :-) I've learned some words and phrases, but now I see I should start learning grammar if I really want to learn Polish. Fortunately, there are a lot of free resources on the internet (which probably isn't true when it comes about Croatian). -- F.G. 20:47, 17. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Thanks for your offer, I'll ask you if I'll have some problems with Polish. For the time, I just have to find some time and learn. I don't know if there are any books about Polish here... Probably there are, because you can study Polish here in Zagreb, but I'm saving my money for the summer. I can't wait to go to Poland and try to communicate there. I wonder if I'll understand anything. I hope people will understand me. :-) -- F.G. 22:53, 17. travnja 2007. (UTC)
mali ispravak :)
[uredi]svršeni glagoli vežemo sa svršenima, nesvršeni s nesvršenima --> (koga?, što? - akuzativ ) svršene glagole vežemo sa svršenima, nesvršene s nesvršenima
Inače, hvala na uputi! :-) --F.G. 17:58, 18. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- Yes, what a language! :-) The language that has been forced into artificial serbo-croatian beacause of political reasons (in practice, that meant serbisation of croatian). The language that was attacked in same way by Hungarians an Austrians in the past. It's just 17 years since we got out country, so there are some things from the past that are (and probably will stay) in our language. For example... griješiti -> grješka -> nepogrješiv is how it should be, but no, we say griješiti -> greška -> nepogrešiv. And the conclusion by Croatian linguists is that you can use both. What I wanted to say is that our language is not yet completely standardized. And I didn't mean to sound so serious :-). You could also use savršen (perfect), it means more or less the same. And concerning your mistake... There are a lot of similarities between our languages (well, you know it better) so I sometimes think: "Oh, it's just the way we say it!" and than I mix things up... I like this word, infallible. How do you say that in Polish? Niebłądowny maybe? :-)) --F.G. 06:42, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Oh yes, false friends are funny! When I first read something like Adam Małiysz najlepszy! I thought: "Well, he doesn't seem so handsome to me." And than something like Polacy lepszy od Niemcy (correction needed). Very funny. And then zawodnik. Do you know what that means in Croatian?
About that word, I really have no idea! When my Polish friends were here, I couldn't recognize a single word (to tell where does the word ends and where begins). The only word I could clearly differ was proszę. They were speaking too fast to understand anything else. ;-) Srdačan pozdrav! -- F.G. 14:38, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- lijep, ljepši, najljepši (also in some dialects lepši, najlepši) means beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful, that's what I meant; note the similarity najlepszy - najljepši. So I thought when I first read that about Małysz I thought it meant: Małysz, the most beautiful. And when you added zawodnik, it's hilarious! And also, Poles more beautiful than Germans. :-D Your language doesn't sound boring! I've really enjoyed listening to it! With this szczszcz bumblebee sounds, it sounds great (but I must admit any language would sound sweet when three girls are talking to each other). What I like the best are these ogonek letters. Especially ą like in mąż... You're right about kurcze, it is a very vulgar word (in vokativ case) :-). -- F.G. 21:29, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
I wouldn't say out Đ has anything to do with Islandic. We have derived our non-English letters from Czechs in the 19 century. If you want real medieval letters, check this out [2]. Our own Croatian script, isn't that something? :-) -- F.G. 22:15, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
- You haven't made a single mistake in that message. Don't be so modest. :-) -- F.G. 22:39, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
I think 20 000 is a bit too much. Don't waste half of your life on crazy Croats. :-) If you're HR-1 I'm definitely not Pl-1! But I wont change my Babylon, I'm not modest. :-) -- F.G. 23:29, 19. travnja 2007. (UTC)
[uredi]New user! Quick, welcome him! :-D F.G. 15:47, 6. svibnja 2007. (UTC)