Razlika između inačica "Razgovor sa suradnikom:Luka Krstulović/1"

Stranica ne postoji na drugim jezicima.
Izvor: Wječnik
Izbrisani sadržaj Dodani sadržaj
I opet poslić za tebe :)
Redak 212: Redak 212:

Daj molim te pogledaj [[otomanski]] i [[Osmanlijski]], samo sam prebacila s wikice. I jel znaš možda imamo li neki predložak za prebacivanje na wječnik? Hvala --[[Suradnik:MayaSimFan|MayaSimFan]] 18:01, 29. travnja 2007. (UTC)
Daj molim te pogledaj [[otomanski]] i [[Osmanlijski]], samo sam prebacila s wikice. I jel znaš možda imamo li neki predložak za prebacivanje na wječnik? Hvala --[[Suradnik:MayaSimFan|MayaSimFan]] 18:01, 29. travnja 2007. (UTC)

== Doviđenja! ==

Hi, Luka! You gave me a wonderful surprise, you and Frano! It was the most beautiful present I'd ever got! Thank you very much! The orange car is fantastic, but, please, don't save money to buy it because I don't have a driving licence. :-) By the way, I want to thank you, Luka, for what you have written on the Polish Wiktionary. It must have been very difficult for you to learn the rules of writing the Polish Wiktionary. I do appreciate your effort! I'll be back soon. (It will get bigger!) :-) [[Suradnik:Pomarancza (PL)|Pomarancza (PL)]] 22:24, 17. svibnja 2007. (UTC)

Inačica od 18. svibnja 2007. u 00:24

Ostavite mi novu poruku klikom ovdje


Postao si admin! Čestitam!!! Andrej Šalov 06:26, 9. rujna 2006. (UTC)


Je odličan je, ali nekako vrijeme ne odgovara, sat im šteka :-)) --Roberta F. 10:21, 11. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Znam da sve treba

...pa sam mislio staviti samo osnovne pojmove koji se mogu susresti na Wikipediji. EColi mi je rekao da su pojmovi predugački, pa sam recimo bota prebacio na Wikipediju. Što ti misliš? Pogledaj malo Wječnike na stranim Wiki. Damirux 10:32, 11. rujna 2006. (UTC)


-)) I, kako to ide, sve zajedno? Vidkim da imaš puuuuno posla, valjda te zato skoro da i nema na ircu:-) Držim ti fige, i VIČI, ako treba:-) Pozdrav Branka France 18:02, 13. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Frka :-)))

developeri su mijenjali nešto po riječniku i svim projektima na Ecolijevu zamolbu. Koliko ja znam nisu ti nestali članci samo ih moraš potražiti. Uhvati EColia za vrat da ti objasni što su napravili jer ja nisam upićem. Andrej Šalov 18:30, 13. rujna 2006. (UTC)

administriranje ili administriranje

Zašto si stranicu "portal zajednice" preusmjerio na englesku starnicu? Josip65 09:01, 14. rujna 2006. (UTC)


Što je s tom stranicom? Radi redirect na samu sebe! Damirux 10:03, 14. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Ne znam kad si napravio tu izmjenu?

Isto tako zašto portal zajednice vodi na englesku verziju? Damirux 10:56, 14. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Nestajanje strana

Luka, vidim da imaš problema sa nestajućim stranama (tj. damirux se žalio na irc-u) - probaj da im vratiš sve revizije kada ih vraćaš iz brisanja, ili ako postoje u lošim/nepotpunim verzijama, probaj da ih obrišeš i iz interfejsa za brisanje opet da vratiš sve revizije. Takođe, kada se promeni ime namescape-a, ne bi trebalo da premeštaš strane, pošto se namespace čuva u bazi samo kao broj (dakle, automatski se sa sistemskom izmenom namespace-a on menja u svim člancima koji mu pripadaju) Brane Jovanović

No problemo. :-). --BraneJ 08:26, 15. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Hitna služba :-)

WBA mi je rekao da ti se javim. Promijenjen je naslov imenskog prostora iz "Wiktionary" u "Wječnik", pa ti je to možda stvaralo zbrke jer su sve stranice tipa "Wiktionary:Stranica" premještene na "Wječnik:Stranica", a ove prve nestale. Sada treba samo uskladiti poveznice, kao što vas je BraneJ uputio. Je li sad sve u redu? Dođi na IRC, molim te. E.coli 19:58, 14. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Rješenje je vrlo jednostavno i brzo: sve wikipoveznice koje su vodile na stranice tipa "Wiktionary:***" preimenuj u "Wječnik:***" (to su stranice imenskog prostora Wječnik - stranice o projektu). E.coli 17:30, 15. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Vraćanje glasovanja o administratorima

Predugo traje čekanje da se stranica vrati. Neka sad stoji ova i neka ostatak suradnika, koji još nisu, glasuje. Damirux 13:38, 17. rujna 2006. (UTC)


Jesi li siguran da su te stranice postojale? U principu se trebalo dogoditi da sve stranice "Wiktionary":Stranica" postanu "Wječnik:Stranica", ali ako su te stranice nestale, kao što se čini jer ih ja nigdje ne mogu pronaći, onda su programeri koji su obavili posao nešto ozbiljno –––! Još ću provjeriti... Nadam se da nije "nestalo" ništa bitno, jer ne znam koga okriviti! E.coli 10:25, 20. rujna 2006. (UTC)


Evo javljam ti se, po poruci koju si ostavio na mojoj korisnickoj strani za razgovor na sr:wikipediji. Cisto da ne bude zabune, BraneJ mi je preneo da si me trazio, ali sam ja onda zaboravio. Elem, sta te muci mladicu pa da ti treba moja pomoc? :) --Dungodung 17:29, 20. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Vraćanje strana

Vratio sam neke strane iz dump-a baze od 12.9. Dump-ovi za Wječnik se nalaze na ovoj strani. Međutim, Filip mi reče da Mediawiki softver ima skriptu baš u svrhu rešavanja problema kao što je ovaj koji je zadesio Wječnik. Skripta se zove namespaceDupes.php i verovatno bi trebalo "uloviti" nekog od developera/onih koji održavaju servere da je poteraju na Wječniku. Pišem tebi jer mi je Ecoli pobegao sa IRC-a, a tebe znam, a ti prosledi info nekome ko će da juri developere ili ga uputi na mene. A možemo i da vraćamo jednu po jednu stranu na verziju od 12. 9.--Brane Jovanović 19:41, 20. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Luka, izgladili smo stvar! Nadam se da više ništa od članaka ne nedostaje... Zahvali Braneju kad ga vidiš, on je bio od velike pomoći ;-) E.coli 09:25, 21. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Novi predložak

Dodao sam predložak tagaloški: tl (tl), koji služi da prikaže predloške na malo "lepši" način (pošto je lepše relativno, jel ;-)). Takođe, zamolio bih te da obrišeš stranu Preložak:tl, koju sam napravio omaškom. Isto, ne znam je li ti ko već skrenuo pažnju, ali Wječnik se razlikuje od Wikipedije po tome da Predložak:Bris i Predložak:bris nisu isti članak tj. možeš imati oba, pošto wiki rečnici nemaju automatsko veliko prvo slovo u nazivu članaka. Time završavam (nadam se) moje današnje gunđanje. Pozdrav :-). --Brane Jovanović 07:25, 27. rujna 2006. (UTC)

Eh, da, sređuje li ko poruke? Ono („preview”) me izluđuje (ja sam inače zakeralo ;-)). --Brane Jovanović 07:25, 27. rujna 2006. (UTC)


Luka, trebalo bi izmeniti MediaWiki:Sitenotice, pošto su izbori za Veće povjerenika završeni. Poz. --Brane Jovanović 08:52, 22. listopada 2006. (UTC)

Okvirni članak za rječnik

Luka, potpuno se slažem s tobom, treba postaviti neki standard da ne bude svakakvih članaka i verzija. Za padeže sam vidio neki Kuburin predložak... ako ima smisla da predloškom uredimo taj dio. Samo bi ga trebalo stilski doraditi jer se meni čini prešarenim. Pozdrav! Mirko Leško 21:10, 23. siječnja 2007. (UTC)

Izabrani članak

Naravno da možeš dodati okvir sa izabranim člankom. Jasna stvar da ne može biti po uzoru na wikipediju. Moj prijedlog je da ga malo češće mijenjamo jer se ipak radi o manjim člancima i možda da se uspostavi princip svakih 3-4 dana novi pojam. Na wiki je razumno svaki tjedan drugi članak, ali ipak je wiki posebna u tom kontekstu. Pozdrav! Mirko Leško

Interwiki i kategorije

Zaboravio sam te zamoliti na IRC-u da mi objasniš kako ovdje funkcioniraju međupoveznice jer izgleda da je malo drugačiji princip od wikipedije. Nadam se da postoji kratko i jasno objašnjenje.


Primijetio sam da je većina članaka na Wječniku bez kategorija. To je normalno ili još nemamo razvijen plan o kategorizaciji članaka? Ja sam neke članke kategorizirao, ali to je prava sitnica u odnosu na ukupan broj. Stoga te molim da mi kažem koji nam je plan sa kategorizacijom članaka.

Malo sam te zadavio, ali bolje sad nego poslije kad će biti više posla sa doradom. :) Mirko Leško 23:06, 27. siječnja 2007. (UTC)

Primijetio sam da imamo još uvijek engleski logo pa sam se potrudio napraviti prijedlog logotipa za Wječnik. Pogledaj i ako ti se sviđa možeš promijeniti ovaj trenutni. Pozdrav! Mirko Leško 22:49, 28. siječnja 2007. (UTC)

Nije ga bilo teško napraviti, 5 min. posla u GIMP-u. Ti vidi sa adminima pa ako prođe takav kakav je ok, a ako ne onda ću ga mijenjati. Pozdrav! Mirko Leško 14:31, 29. siječnja 2007. (UTC)

Poljski rječnik

Thank you for your message! Yes, I am going to write Polish headwords here. I hope I'll start in a few days' time. I just have to reach a certain number of Norwegian headwords on the Polish Wikisłownik, which means "Wikirječnik" (a nice name as well, isn't it?), and I'll concentrate more on the Croatian language there (246 headwords now [1]) and on the Polish language here. I'm sure we'll revolutionize the Croatian Wječnik soon :) By the way, "Wječnik" is a fantastic name! My congratulations! Good luck! Pomarancza (PL) 03:17, 17. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Hi! As you have certainly noticed I made the first Polish headword yesterday. Since nobody changed anything in it I take it for granted that the headword is correct. However, a few questions came to my mind while I was creating the historic :) headword. I'm not going to write about all of them. I'll try to solve the problems by myself. Now I would only like to ask about two issues:
  • We've got a different sequence of grammatical cases in the Polish language. The first four cases are the same, but then we've got Instrumental, Lokativ and Vokativ. Shall I write the cases in a Polish way or shall I leave them as they are?
  • Shall I write example sentences or not? If yes, how should I write the Polish sentences: in normal type or in italics? In our Polish Wiktionary we write exaple sentences in foreign languages in italics, that's why I'm asking this question. But maybe you prefer the normal type.

Sorry for not writing in Croatian. If I wanted to write such a message in Croatian, it would take me at least the whole day to do it. I hope it's not a very big problem for you. Pozdrav! Pomarancza (PL) 02:07, 19. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Ako nemaš ništa protiv volio bih da mi pišeš na hrvatskom. To mi pomaže bolje upoznati ovaj lijepi, već nažalost vrlo teški jezik. Takav egoističan razlog. :) Ali ako imaš volju napisati nekad poruku na engleskom (kao jezičnu vježbu ili naprosto za promjenu), piši slobodno, jer meni je to također svejedno, to jest svejedno mi je na kakvom jeziku čitam, već nije uopće svejedno na kakvom pišem. Ovu poruku pišem već gotovo dva sata!!! :D Zato ću sada napisati ostatak poruke na engleskom jeziku.
I hope you had a good laugh while reading the Croatian part of my message. It did take me almost two hours to write it. What an ordeal! Thank you for your answer concerning the headword słownik. Now I more or less know how to make noun-headwords here. I'll start with making a few hundred noun-headwords in Polish, just to get used to the new way of creating headwords, then I'll get down to writing other parts of speech. Would you please have a look from time to time at the example sentences I make and correct my possible mistakes in the Croatian translation? Just from time to time. I would be very grateful. I hope other people will get engaged in the Polish project as well. And I hope we'll meet some day on a Croatian or Polish beach (Croatian would be better) and drink a glass of champagne (two bottles?) for the everlasting friendship between the Croatian and Polish nations. :)) Lijep pozdrav! (a nice phrase I learned from you) Pomarancza (PL) 12:29, 20. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Gnjavi me, Luka! Reci mi istinu! Had I better stop writing the dictionary? :) Pomarancza (PL) 18:24, 20. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Veljača 2007

Thank you for your interest in the dictionary I'm writing, for your encouraging me to writing it, and - last but not least - for checking up my Croatian sentences!
Just two questions:
  • Some nouns have no plural, like for example Chorwacja. Should I write something about it in the headword or just skip over the plural declension?
  • In the section "Primjeri" I write whole sentences. I would also like to create another section for collocations where I could write in only fragments of sentences, e.g. in the headword noc: w nocynoću, dzisiaj w nocynoćas, ubiegłej nocysinoć. Now I would like to ask you if I can create such a section. If yes, how should I call it in Croatian? Izrazi?

Pozdrawiam po polsku! :) Pomarancza (PL) 10:19, 21. veljače 2007. (UTC)

You helped me a lot! Hvala! Unfortunately I will still have questions in the nearest future. :)
You know what? Perhaps it would be better if you wrote me in English after all? It turns out that it makes a difference, especially when I am tired - then it's much easier for me to read in English. :) But!!! If I write you a message in Croatian, write me back in Croatian as well, OK? It is going to motivate me to write in Croatian more often. :) Hrvatski pozdrav this time!
P.S. The Croatian Wječnik will get bigger! It's just a matter of time. I'm sure people will start joining the project when they see it's growing. I am going to write at least 20 000 headwords here. Just four more Pomaranczas and you will have 100 000 headwords! :) Šteta što ne govorim dobro hrvatski. How could you have invented the mobile stress, the rising and falling tones, and the long and short vowels?! It's a nightmare to learn it, even for a Pole! :) Pomarancza (PL) 21:10, 23. veljače 2007. (UTC)
One more thing. The word rječnik in množina akuzativ. Shouldn't it be "rječnike" instead of "rječnika"? Pomarancza (PL) 00:39, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Thank you for correcting my mistakes in być! So simple sentences, and I made so stupid mistakes! I'm really ashamed. :) Pomarancza (PL) 22:50, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Thanks for comforting me! And for the words of praise. Now I can go on writing headwords here. :)
I like that "Pozdrawiam po polsku" in your messages to me.
We'll get bigger!!! Pomarancza (PL) 23:17, 24. veljače 2007. (UTC)

Bok Luka!

Reci mi koji ti je plan s ovim člancima V,U i sl. Vidim da je tekst na francuskom, pa...pretpostavljam da prevodiš, ali kakva su ono nabrajanja na vrhu?

Damirux 20:28, 20. ožujka 2007. (UTC)

Travanj 2007. Poljsko-hrvatski rječnik.

Hi, Luka! :) Nice to hear from you again! I'm glad you like the headwords I'm writing here. If you feel like making Croatian headwords on the Polish Wiktionary, I am certainly willing to help you. Now we've got 260 Croatian headwords there. The biggest problem for us, the Poles, is the declension of Croatian nouns. Na poljskom Wikisłowniku imamo specijalnu šablonu za članke. Here's an example of a noun-headword prozor. "Odmiana" means "sklonidba", "przykłady" means "primjeri". The example sentence may seem familiar to you because it's the same sentence I wrote on the Croatian Wiktionary in the headword okno. :) I will try to translate poljsku šablonu into Croatian so that you can easily fill it out. And one more thing. Don't feel obliged to write Croatian headwords on the Polish Wiki. If you suddenly feel you don't want to do it, just don't do it. I won't stop liking and respecting you because of that. :) Will write you soon. Lijep pozdrav! :) Pomarancza (PL) 16:07, 3. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Oh, God, Luka, have I really done so much for Wječnik and for you?! Now I start feeling embarrassed. :) Thanks for the appreciation! Hvala and dzięki! :)
Yes, I think we can use the word pattern instead of template for šablona. It's easier and everyone knows it.
And one more thing I have to tell you. On May 18 I'm leaving for Scotland (looking for a job), so I'm afraid I won't be active on Wiktionaries for some time. I don't know how long. Maybe even for two-three months (or longer?). But I will come back and write the 20 000 Polish headwords on your Wječnik. I promise.
It will get bigger!!!
 :):) Pomarancza (PL) 21:11, 12. travnja 2007. (UTC)


Here's the translation of the Polish template (šablona). Let's call it a template. I don't know if there is any better word for it in English. If you know such a word, just tell me.
  • {subst:PAGENAME} ({język jaki}) = {what language?}
Cross out ({język jaki}) and write {język chorwacki} here if you make a Croatian headword.
  • {wymowa} = {pronunciation}
Just skip it.
  • {znaczenia} = {meanings}
Leave it as it is.
  • rzeczownik, rodzaj żeński, męski = part of speech, e.g. noun, verb, adjective, etc.
You cross out rzeczownik, rodzaj żeński, męski and write an appropriate part of speech here. If it is a noun, you can also write its gender. The parts of speech should be written in Polish, so I think you can skip it over. Other people will do it for you. But I will also send you the names of the Polish parts of speech so that you can do it by yourself if you like.
  • (1.1) [krótki|krótka] [definicja] = [meaning in Polish]
For example, if the Croatian headword is kuća, you cross out [krótki|krótka] [definicja] and write dom here. If you don't know the Polish equivalent, just don't write anything. I will do it for you.
  • {odmiana} = {inflection}
If you make a noun-headword, see šuma.
lp means jednina, lm means množina.
Note that the sequence of cases is like in Polish, not Croatian!!!
If you make a verb-headword, see jesti.
czas teraźniejszy means sadašnje vrijeme/prezent, imiesłów czynny czasu przeszłego means glagolski pridjev radni (m = muški rod, f = ženski rod, n = srednji rod), aspekt dokonany means svršen glagol.
If you make an adjective-headword, see zanimljiv.
  • {przykłady} = {examples}

Leave it as it is.

  • (1.1) przykład → tłumaczenie = an example sentence in Croatian → its translation into Polish

You cross out przykład and write your example sentence in Croatian here. Note that the example sentence in Croatian is written in italics. As for "tłumaczenie", just leave it as it is. I will try to translate the sentence into Polish for you.
Of course, you don't have to write any example sentences. You don't have to write the inflection either. You don't have to fill out the whole template. We just write in what we know. :)
It was the first part of the template, the most important one. I will send the rest of it in my next message to you. But it's enough to know how to fill out this part of the template to make a headword on the Polish Wiktionary. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Lijep pozdrav! Pomarancza (PL) 12:55, 12. travnja 2007. (UTC)

A evo i poljske vrste riječi koje sam obećao poslati:
  • imenica = rzeczownik
muški rod = rodzaj męski
ženski rod = rodzaj żeński
srednji rod = rodzaj nijaki
  • glagol = czasownik
  • pridjev = przymiotnik
  • prilog = przysłówek
  • zamjenica = zaimek
  • prijedlog = przyimek
  • broj = liczebnik
  • veznik = spójnik
  • usklik = wykrzyknik

Uskoro (možda čak sutra) napisat ću kako se popunjava ostatak šablone. Pozdrav! :) Pomarancza (PL) 15:34, 15. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Here's the rest of the headword-pattern:
  • {składnia} = {syntax}

Skip it.

  • {kolokacje} = {collocations}

For example: napraviti grešku, namjestiti krevet, ići u kupovinu. See also crijevo
We don't write idioms here!

  • {synonimy} = {synonyms}

See automobil

  • {antonimy} = {antonyms}

Like in bijel.

  • {pokrewne} = ?

I'm not sure how to translate it into English. Maybe a word family? Here we write words that derive from the headword. See krivica or liječnica.

  • {frazeologia} = {idioms}

We don't have a single Croatian idiom on our Wiktionary, so I can't give you any example. But a good example would be lupati glavom o zid in the headword zid.

  • {etymologia} = {etymology}

I think you can skip it for the time being.

  • {uwagi} = {comments}

Skip it as well.


Ja ću za početak dodavati padeže svih već prisutnih hrv. riječi, jer je to trenutno jedino što znam :) Ovih predložaka je previše, zbunjujući su, nije mi još jasno kako se interwikiji dodaju.. No dobro, budem se navikao s vremenom :) Ako vidiš da nešto pogrešno radim, viči :) Pozdrav! --Ivan Štambuk 19:36, 4. travnja 2007. (UTC)

tužni ljetni rastanak

Bok, Luka! :)

Of course, I will tell you about the most interesting details of my stay in Scotland. But I'm not going to come back to Poland...
As for your writing on the Polish Wiktionary, I'm really happy you still want to do that. I was afraid you were going to get discouraged after reading my instructions for the Polish headword-pattern. :) I am sure my colleagues from Wikisłownik will be shocked when you start writing Croatian headwords there. I was wondering if you (or some other person from the Croatian Wiki) could add a few pronunciation files on our Polish Wiktionary. Just a few. It would be just fantastic. But don't worry if it turns out to be impossible.
Thanks for all this encouragement and support you give me all the time! It is you who help me, not the contrary!!!
I hope your complications in September won't be very serious.
Lijep pozdrav! Pomarancza (PL) 19:04, 13. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Ajd budi srčeko pa napravi nešto s ovim Deinim doprinosom dragoj nam wikipediji. Bokić --MayaSimFan 17:44, 14. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Croatian pronunciation

No, no, I meant a recorded pronunciation (not IPA), like in English house in the section wymowa (= pronuciation) on top of the page where you can click the link posłuchaj (= listen). Well, what about that? We need just a few files to give people some samples of Croatian pronuciation. Just a few. Pomarancza (PL) 17:06, 15. travnja 2007. (UTC)

I don't have a microphone either. :) And if I had I wouldn't know how to make such a recording. Just don't think about it any longer, Luka. I'll ask other people. Besides there is no hurry. :) And you're right about the female voice in recordings. Women always sound better. Their voices are just clearer. I would be afraid of recording my voice, too. :)
I've seen you in a picture on Wječnik (susret, 10. veljače 2007). You are the one with long hair? You don't look your age, Luka! :) Pozdrav! :) Pomarancza (PL) 13:36, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Thanks for the picture! You look fantastic in it! A lot younger and more Croatian! :) A very nice picture! Polish women would just love you! :D
I used to wear long hair, too, when I was younger. :) Now I can't because long hair makes me look at least ten years older. At my age I can't look older. :) Pomarancza (PL) 14:43, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)

You're fifteen or sixteen. Is that right? I can't believe it! And I am... Well, I hope you will still want to talk to me when you get to know how old I am... 38 - don't tell anyone :) - I can't believe that either! Pomarancza (PL) 15:01, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Working with kids... No, no, I'm not the kind who thinks like that. I don't think I'm more mature or experienced either. We've just had different experiences in our lives. It's difficult to compare them and say: "that one is better." Or more valuable. You could have worked hard for the past fifteen years and I could have watched television for the 38 years I have lived. And who would be more mature or experienced then? That's the way I think. The age doesn't matter to me. I'm glad it doesn't matter to you either. :) Pomarancza (PL) 15:51, 16. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Pozdrav, Luka!
Ja nisam baš aktivan na hrvatskom Wječniku, više na poljskom, ali pošto sam snimio izgovor nekih naših riječi za našeg prijatelja Naranču, ako bi ti to gdje koristilo (i ako si zadovoljan izgovorom) bilo bi mi drago da se poslužiš! Tutaj: [2] -- F.G. 19:10, 17. travnja 2007. (UTC)

Hello, please excuse me writing in English. I saw Your request at m:Requests for logos, since the Wiktionaries will not change it to the scrabble one I tried a version Image:Wiki.png (if You don't see the new one reload Your browser-cache). Please tell me if You need anything changed, if it is ok, protect and request logo-switch at bugzilla. (since I have no good computer I can't see if the colours etc. are ok)

Best regards --Spacebirdy 14:19, 26. travnja 2007. (UTC)

:) oki, glad I could help, I mark it as done then, best regards --Spacebirdy 22:35, 26. travnja 2007. (UTC)

I opet poslić za tebe :)

Daj molim te pogledaj otomanski i Osmanlijski, samo sam prebacila s wikice. I jel znaš možda imamo li neki predložak za prebacivanje na wječnik? Hvala --MayaSimFan 18:01, 29. travnja 2007. (UTC)


Hi, Luka! You gave me a wonderful surprise, you and Frano! It was the most beautiful present I'd ever got! Thank you very much! The orange car is fantastic, but, please, don't save money to buy it because I don't have a driving licence. :-) By the way, I want to thank you, Luka, for what you have written on the Polish Wiktionary. It must have been very difficult for you to learn the rules of writing the Polish Wiktionary. I do appreciate your effort! I'll be back soon. (It will get bigger!) :-) Pomarancza (PL) 22:24, 17. svibnja 2007. (UTC)